Leaders Model the Behavior they Expect

What would it be like if the managers modeled the behavior that ought to be expected?

Ever seen a train? Ever seen the cars pass the engine? Never. If you’re a leader, and you do things at level 10, your followers will likely do them at an “8”. If you have a rough day, and your effort is a “7”, expect your followers to be at a “5”.

To paraphrase Kouzes and Posner:

Leaders model the way by setting the example for others in ways that are consistent with their values. This promotes consistent progress and building of commitment.

Breath Support to the End of the Phrase is a Key Deliverable

But what if teachers in general (and band/choir/orchestra directors specifically) studied best practices in business – both management from an organizational standpoint, and from a team-building/customer service/human relations standpoint?

And what if business leaders approached their businesses, and especially their people, as though they were volunteers (like band students) who could – and would – walk away from things if they didn’t think their time and energy were well-spent?